Recognizing Your Worth in the Eyes of God
+JMJ+ Sadly, there will always be people in this world who will not help you realize your worth. From time to time, someone will come along who wants to bring you down.
Know this: your worth does not increase or decrease based on someone else's opinion of you. Your worth doesn't change based on what someone says to you. Your worth isn't affected by what someone does to you.
When you open your heart to accepting God's grace in your life, you will slowly start to see your worth and dignity and, when that happens, you will learn to recognize those people who don't recognize your value. These are the relationships you need to be very careful of and, when necessary, cut yourself off from particularly if they are damaging your relationship with Christ.
Validation is great and sometimes we receive it from the world around us. At other times, we don't. Self-esteem is in important part of a healthy life but all too often our world bases self-esteem on appearance, accomplishments, money, possessions, etc. While these things aren't always bad in and of themselves, they are shallow and fleeting. Basing your self-image and value upon the value God has placed on you is far greater and goes far beyond what the world offers.
You are a child of God and your worth lies in Him alone.
You are made in His image.
You were chosen by God.
God can work through you.
What you do on this earth has the power to bring glory to Him.
You are loved so much by our Heavenly Father that He wants to live in you always! He knows and understands you better than anyone ever will. Think for a moment about the fact that Christ WANTS to know you. He WANTS to be a part of you. He WANTS to be a part of your daily prayers, works, joys, and sufferings. He WANTS YOU! Yes, you!
Why? Because He LOVES YOU! He loves you more than you can ever begin to comprehend. And He does all of this because HE WANTS TO.
God gives you unique gifts so that you may grow closer to Him and, in doing so, bring others closer to Him. What at an honor that is!
First and foremost, it's important to come to a place where each of us recognizes our own worth, the worth that only be recognized when the love of God is accepted into one's life. None of us may ever be able to understand just how much we are loved and, actually, it's impossible to understand just how precious and loved we are in His eyes. However, looking at the crucifix gives us an idea. God isn't going anywhere and holds us closely to His Heart.
Resist the urge to base your worth solely on the thoughts, words, or actions of another human being.
Strive to honor God in how you live your life. Don't leave Him out of anything. Ask Him for the gift of counsel so that He may lead you where you are meant to go. Remember that God's love is enough to hold you up in every area of your life. Allow Him to enter into whatever wounds need healing. Let Him be with you and be with Him in return.
Be still.
Be silent.
Just allow yourself to be loved.
Allow yourself to be healed.
No matter what, you are precious and you are loved and, when you fall into the trap of feeling that you aren't enough or that you're not doing enough, just remember that God's love is enough and His love will sustain you.
Strive to truly live your life as the completely unique and precious child of God that you are!